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    TDE 50

    Fuel terminal series TDE 50


    • Fuel terminal TDE 50 - plug-in module
    • 50 users
    • 1600 refueling operations
    • Entry of kilometers
    • Recording of person or vehicle
    • Display of refilled liters during the refueling operation
    • Transponder reader
    • Control of 1 fueling point
    • Front plate for housing for fuel dispenser installation
    • LCD display with backlight
    • Data transmission via RS232 interface
    • Plastic keypad with 12 keys
    • Customer/technician/operator badges

    SeriesUsersRefueling operationsItem no.
    TDE 50 50 1600 TP22.005.00.00  
    TDE 50 100 1600 TP22.005.01.00  
    TDE 50 200 1600 TP22.005.02.00  
    TDE 50 400 1600 TP22.005.03.00  

    Additional equipment


    Item no.Description
    TE33.001.00.11 PC evaluation software KS 3000
    Upgrade - release 2.0 - Windows 7
    Fuel terminal TDE 50/100
    Single-user version - not network-compatible
    TE33.001.01.11 PC evaluation software KS 3000
    Upgrade - release 2.0 - Windows 7
    Fuel terminal TDE 50 - 100
    Single-user version - network-compatible
    Without prallel processing
    TE33.001.02.00 Entry third party refueling PC
    Evaluation software KS3000
    Series TDE 50 + 100
    TE33.001.02.01 Entry third party refueling fuel terminal
    Evaluation software KS3000
    Series TDE 50 + 100
    TE33.001.04.00 USB connection for
    wireless data transmission
    Series TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.001.04.01 USB stick series TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.001.05.00 A/B badge system
    Entry of person and vehicle
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.001.08.00 Entry of operating materials (greases - oils)
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.001.10.00 Special version software
    Billing according to expenses
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.001.12.00 Refueling via vehicle number
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.001.12.01 Refueling via vehicle number
    Without verification
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.001.12.02 Refueling via personnel number
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.001.13.00 Filling level determination by way of calculation
    Series TDE 50 +100
    TE33.004.00.00 Extension to a 2nd fueling point TDE 100
    Without parallel dispensing
    Series TDE 50/ 100
    TE33.006.01.00 Extensions of users (TN)
    50 users (TN) to 100 users (TN)
    Serie TDE 50
    TE33.010.00.00 Support for wall-mounted housing series TDE 100
    TE33.011.00.00 Instruction on site according to prior agreement
    - Functioning of fuel terminal
    - Evaluation software
    Installation of fuel terminal and
    evaluation software must be completed
    TE33.013.00.00 Wall-mounted housing complete TDE 50 - 100
    Dimensions: W-D-H 330 x 200 x 400
    TE33.013.00.01 Wall-mounted housing, stainless steel, complete TDE 50 - 100
    Dimensions: W-D-H 330 x 200 x 400
    TE33.013.01.01 Housing stainless stell wall-mounted housing TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.015.01.00 Transponder tag - with numbering series TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.015.01.01 Transponder tag - with numbering
    Colored - black-white-green-red-blue-yellow
    Series TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.015.02.00 Transponder tag - operator key series TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.017.00.00 Customer-specific configuration of up to 50 users (TN) TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.017.01.00 Customer-specific configuration of up to 100 users (TN) series TDE 50 - 100
    TE33.018.00.00 Mini Com server for single-user system transmission via network
    TE33.021.00.00 Interface converter RS 232 - RS 422, 423, 485
    TE33.021.01.00 Interface converter USB - RS 232, RS 422, 423, 485
    TE33.025.00.00 Table reader unit transponder series TDE 100





    Fuel terminals
    System technology
    Pump electronics
    Fuel data acquisition

    KS Systems GmbH

    Pfeilstr. 10-12
    D-78083 Dauchingen
    +49(0)7720 60985-0


    ks tatsuno 2023
